
The Witches of Armour Hill: Switch is here! July 16, 2015 12:54 2 Comments

Switch is now available for pre-order on!

The ebook is available for pre-order, and will be released on July 20th - if you pre-order a copy now, it will be automatically delivered to your favourite device on the release day. The paperback edition is still in the works, but with the first print proof having arrived last night, I'm hoping to see it released before the end of the month!

You can also find Switch here, on Goodreads.

It's been quite the journey, and seeing these pages finally published is still a little surreal. Thanks again to everyone who supported my Kickstarter campaign, everyone who has supported me since it's end, and everyone who has loved these silly little witches just as much as I do.

Thank you.

Coming this summer! July 11, 2015 11:17

I am proud to announce that after weeks of careful editing, Switch is currently undergoing a final round of proofreading - once we're sure the text is absolutely perfect, the ebook will be available! I expect to see it hit store shelves before the end of the month, with the paperback edition soon to follow.
In the meantime, I've set up the Goodreads page for Switch - if you've been reading on Wattpad, I'd love to see some pre-release reviews. If you've been waiting for the published edition, you can now add Switch to your to-read shelf on Goodreads in anticipation!

Vote for Switch's cover! April 30, 2015 12:29

Hey everyone! Today is a big day for my next self-publishing adventure. With the input of some extremely kind fellow readers and writers of fantasy, I've created five unique cover options for my most recent novel, The Witches of Armour Hill: Switch. And now... it's time for my fans to vote for their favourite!

I've posted the five cover options below - take a look, and leave a comment or send me an email letting me know which one you think Switch should be published with. Whichever one receives the most love, both here and on my Facebook page, will be the winner!

Option 1
Cover Reveal #1

Option 2
Cover Reveal #2

Option 3
Cover Reveal #3

Option 4
Cover Reveal #4

Option 5
Cover Reveal #5

The Witches of Armour Hill: Switch will be published this summer - cast your vote to be a part of it!

The Witches of Armour Hill - A Crowdfunding Adventure! March 26, 2015 17:31

After a lot of work to finish the book, I'm proud to announce the Kickstarter for The Witches of Armour Hill, Book One, is up and running! The first draft of book one, Switch, has received a wonderful response on WattPad - better than I had ever hoped, in fact. With nearly 12000 views, and 491 favourites, Switch has developed quite a loyal fanbase (and I love you all to death).

With the second book in the series well under way, I'm finally ready to start the publication process for Switch. Step one? I'm looking to raise funds for editing, design, advertising and printing so that I can make the published book the very best it can be. Those who pledge will receive gifts ranging from free copies, to posters, to personalized artwork and plushies! If you're interested in being a part of the Witches of Armour Hill, please check out this link and consider making a pledge!


Margaret May Reis knows how strange she is; people have been telling 
her for years. At sixteen years old, though, Maggie begins to realize
that strangeness is only half the story. Maggie isn’t just strange –
she’s a witch.